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Insolvency Professional Support Service: A Key Component of Successful Resolutions

Shruti Goel
September 21, 2023
Insolvency Professional Support Service


In the intricate landscape of insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings, having the right support and guidance is crucial. The role of an Insolvency Professional (IP) in managing these complex matters cannot be understated. To aid these professionals in their mission to facilitate successful resolutions,  the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) introduced the Insolvency Professional Support  Service (IPSS). In this blog, we will delve into the significance of the IPSS and how it contributes to conducting effective insolvency proceedings.

Understanding the Insolvency Professional Support Service (IPSS) 

The IPSS is an initiative by the IBBI aimed at providing essential support services to Insolvency  Professionals. It acts as a bridge between IPs and the resources necessary for the smooth functioning of insolvency processes. The IPSS is designed to enhance efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the insolvency resolution ecosystem. 

Key Components of the IPSS 

1. Access to Resources: One of the primary functions of the IPSS is to provide IPs with access to vital resources, including research materials, databases, and legal expertise. This ensures that IPs can make informed decisions and discharge their responsibilities effectively. 

2. Training and Skill Development: The IPSS offers training programs and workshops to equip IPs with the latest knowledge and skills required in the field. Continuous professional development is essential, given the evolving nature of insolvency regulations. 

3. Technical Infrastructure: IPSS provides technical infrastructure to support the insolvency process, such as data rooms for document storage and secure communication platforms. This helps streamline the sharing of information among stakeholders. 

4. Collaborative Network: The IPSS fosters collaboration among IPs, allowing them to share best practices, insights, and experiences. This network encourages a supportive and knowledgeable community of professionals. 

The Role of IPSS in Successful Resolutions 

1. Expertise Enhancement: IPs often deal with intricate financial, legal, and operational issues. IPSS provides access to the latest research and legal databases, enabling IPs to stay updated on regulations and precedents. This knowledge enhances their decision-making capabilities and improves the overall quality of insolvency proceedings. 

2. Efficient Case Management: The technical infrastructure offered by IPSS streamlines the management of insolvency cases. Secure data rooms and communication platforms facilitate the exchange of sensitive information while maintaining confidentiality and security. 

3. Continuous Learning: The training and skill development programs offered by IPSS ensure that IPs are well-prepared to handle the challenges posed by evolving insolvency laws and regulations. This continuous learning process is vital in a dynamic field like insolvency. 

4. Collaboration and Support: The collaborative network facilitated by IPSS allows IPs to seek advice, share insights, and collaborate on challenging cases. This sense of community support can be invaluable in navigating complex insolvency processes. 


The Insolvency Professional Support Service (IPSS) plays a pivotal role in the success of insolvency and bankruptcy resolutions. By providing crucial resources, training, and technical infrastructure, and fostering collaboration, IPSS empowers insolvency professionals to navigate the complexities of the field effectively. As a result, the insolvency resolution ecosystem benefits from increased transparency, efficiency, and the ability to achieve fair and successful resolutions for all stakeholders involved. The IPSS is undeniably a cornerstone of the insolvency landscape, supporting the professionals who work tirelessly to bring about financial stability and economic recovery. 

About Ancoraa  

Ancoraa Resolution Pvt. Ltd., a company promoted and managed by experienced Insolvency professionals with a rich experience in corporate banking, debt resolution, and restructuring.  

At Ancoraa, we are a team of IPs, CAs, CS, Cost Accountants, and Lawyers with deep knowledge and practical experience in the insolvency space. The professionals on our team have extensive experience in leading, managing, and successfully running insolvency processes across industries. 

A summary of our IP support offerings is as below: 

  • Providing IP support services , resources, technology, and infrastructure to run the IBC processes from start to finish. 
  • Support in preparing and making Public Announcements.
  • Monitoring and managing the assets of the Corporate Debtor including control of assets
  • Due diligence and collection and consolidation of financial and operational information of  the corporate debtor .
  • Collation & updating of claims, preparation of the list of creditors, and filing of reports with AA .
  • Managing the engagements with the CoC and other stakeholders, including supporting the constitution/re-constitution of CoC and filing the necessary reports with AA, convening and managing CoC, etc., meetings, viz. issuing meeting notices, agendas, minutes circulation, e-voting and announcing results. 

Ancoraa’s flagship technology, the Rezolution Engine® – is India’s first and only ‘Resolution-as-a-Service’ platform providing a collaborative digital avenue to run the entire resolution process in compliance with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code of India. Whether you are a supplier, a  homebuyer, a bank, or a personal guarantor, Rezolution Engine® enables anyone to initiate an insolvency application and allows all the participants to get a single point of view to the insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings, while maintaining compliance and governance throughout the process.

About the author
Shruti Goel

Shruti is the operations specialist at Ancoraa. She is responsible for IP engagement, company research and operational excellence initiatives. She is passionate about and writes on topics of Insolvency Technology and administers Ancoraa’s flagship technology platform ‘Rezolution Engine’.

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